It all comes down to having the skills
to find things out and the ability to
share information in an engaging way.
Communication skills are crucial in social research.
to ask questions, present evidence and explain conclusions; excellent communication requires active listening,
a thorough understanding of the subject matter and close attention to detail.
LIFE AT TLB | Our first clinical supervision sessions of 2025 are underway with counsellor jane davidson MBACP (accred). We recognising that exploring crises, difficulties and challenging experiences in our research means that our staff might need a little support themselves, so everyone at TLB has a quarterly session with Jane. This support has been a huge boost to the team and we’d urge all researchers to identify the support needs of the delivery team – as well as participants – while planning for projects on sensitive subjects.
REPORT | NNECL (National Network for the Education of Care Leavers) have published our evaluation of their Quality Mark, an accreditation system for higher education providers evidencing how they support students with care experience. The report can be read in full here.
REPORT | COSLA has published our latest report on Evaluating Negotiated Stopping for Roadside Camps in Scotland, an approach seeking to improve conditions for both Gypsy/Traveller and settled communities. The report can be read in full here.
TRAINING | Research Officer Laura Mallis attended training run by Snap Surveys on questionnaire design. We regularly use this software, with recent projects including a mental health experience survey for @ScotGov, and the final phase of our substance use harm prevention Delphi method project for Public Health Scotland.